
SMS Training Plan Overview

This course is needed to keep you current for the regulations. Interested in hosting? Contact: headquarters@iaaecanada.org for more information.

A two day training session that delivers foundational understanding to: safety, system safety, and SMS as legislated by Transport Canada. It also provides a practical application of SMS in several key areas.


Day 1

08:00- 08:50 : Basics of a Safety System

An in-depth look at what constitutes ‘safety’ and all it’s constituent elements. The participants through an interactive workshop have the concept of safety, system safety; safety factors and other metrics that are essential to being able to evaluate the level of intrinsic safety are presented.


09:00 - 09:50 : SMS 101

An detailed look at the components of an SMS and to develop a full understanding of not only what is an SMS, but an appreciation as to why it is the right way to conduct business. The six SMS elements as espoused by Transport Canada are discussed and expanded upon with an examination of ICAO’s 10 steps to SMS implementation.


10:10 - 12:00 : Human Error Workshop with Case Studies

A key element of TC’s model of an SMS is to have Human Factors training. Although the regulator at this time cannot state what constitutes effective HF training, this module is designed to lay the foundation that will not only meet the need, but exceed what Tspt Can could ever envisage. The workshop, with the augmentation of video case studies, is designed to provide the candidate with an appreciation of both the strengths and limitations of human performance, i.e. the essence of human factors. (cont’d)


12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch Break

13:00 - 15:50 : Human Factors in Decision Making & Case Study

The learning points include an understanding/appreciation of human performance, its limitations, its challenges, its strengths and a better understanding of the realities of human error.


Day 2

08:00- 09:50 : Introduction to Risk Management

A key to the SMS concept is Risk Management. This module is designed to give the candidate an introduction to the process. While many airport authority’s have a cursory/theoretical explanation of risk management in its safety manuals, few if any of the workers have a practical understanding of the theory. The focus of this session is to bridge the gap between theory and practice.


10:10 - 11:00 : Hazard Report Workshop

With the essence of RM understood the next step is how to apply the theory. That comes with both the use and application of a hazard report. Perhaps the biggest challenge with hazard reporting in any organization is to understand or have the skill to be able to identify a hazard. What may seem obvious is indeed a skill set. This session is to develop the awareness of the individual’s potential to contribute to the intrinsic safety of an organization through proactive hazard identification. We will discuss both the report process and the ideal resolution of same.


11:10 - 12:00 : Human Factors - Fatigue (Shift RM)

There are a significant proportion of airport employees who work shift work. The hazards of fatigue with shift work are well documented yet the training in this area remains grievously absent. This session will attempt to provide the basics of fatigue management, the risks of the lifestyle of shift-work and tools in which to minimize the risk of the hazard.


12:00 - 13:00 : Lunch Break

13:00 - 13:50 : Safety Culture

The concept of a safety culture is not an identified element of an SMS, but the essence of an SMS embraces this essential mind set. This session will introduce the participants to what constitutes a safety culture, an awareness of the change that they must both lead and manage within themselves, and the essential organizational supporting mechanisms.


14:00 - 14:50 : Safety Reporting

A key element of an SMS is to move from the historical ‘reactive’ perspective to a mind set of proactivity. Essential to this transition is an effective occurrence reporting system. We will discuss the basics on how to report, what to report and what to expect to foster an organizational culture of resilience and safety.


15:00 - 15:50 : Your Role in SMS - Action Plan

As is the case in all training the participants are sitting there with the question in their mind "what’s in it for me", or "what do I have to do". The focus of this session is to bring together all the discussions and theory to provide the participants with a clear message on what is expected of them so as to foster ‘commitment and buy-in to this beast known as an SMS.


Refund & Cancellation Policy


IAAE Canada reserves the right to reschedule any program if the number of registrants is insufficient. In this event, we will notify all registrants and refund the registration fee in full.

  • Any costs incurred by registrants, such as hotel cancellation fees or airline penalties, are the responsibility of
    the registrants.

  • Registrations are transferable.|

  • Cancellations will be accepted 30 days prior to the date of the course.

  • Cancellations within 30 days prior to the date of the course will incur a $50 administration fee.

  • No-shows will be responsible for the course fees.